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Why Visit A Farm? – An Interesting Story That You shouldn’t Miss!!

Vaer Organic

One of the most satisfying knowledge-gathering experiences comes from our farm visits. Vaer Organic Team members have been doing this frequently for the past ten years to source only the right products for our customers and connect with the farmers who feed us. This is the main reason that we are very popular among the people who want to buy organic farming products online and also our prices are very affordable

In one of our recent farm visits near Udumalpet, TN,  We had the opportunity to taste a dish(bajji/fritter) made out of Agathi Keerai Flower(Agasti/Avisi/Agase). Typically, the flower is white but also blooms in pink which is rare in the market. We did not know that the flower was edible, but it was very similar to a Mushroom(in taste and texture). The flower from the tree fetches the farmer more income than the greens(keerai). While talking to the farmers, he also mentioned that most veg flowers are edible, like most gourds, etc.

Farm Acre

We also happened to meet a very content bottle gourd farmer who farms the gourd in about 1 acre of the 3 acres of land he owns which is 10-15 km from Ottachathiram. While conversing with him about his farming techniques and another small talk, he just grabbed a tender bottle of gourd from the creeper and asked us to taste it. It was as crunchy and tasty as a cucumber.

We saw how they store shallots(small onions), which are not harvested like your vegetables(every other day or a few days) but just once. They store them without cleaning them(with the soil covering the onions partially) and are cleaned only before sending them to us.  

Though it is impossible to emulate their lifestyle and gratitude, we just hope we move an inch closer every day to be able to live like them. They have the most uncertain work life. Weather, soil, pests, water, and air all play a role in what they sow and what they harvest. Having visited many organic farmers in the past, one most common aspects of the question is “how do you fare?” The answer always is about CONTENT. Having said that, the difficulties faced by an organic farmer are time and effort. They have to be proactive and work meticulously. They feel that the input cost has reduced considerably after shifting to organic methods of farming, but matched by the increasing labor costs, if not more. Weed management in organic farming is one of the most laborious processes and if you come across any organic farmer, please ask them “how do you control weeds on your farm”, and we ensure they’ll share their agony involved in maintaining weeds. Unlike commercial farming with heavy pesticides and weedicides, In almost all organic farms, it’s hard manual labor (except a few mechanized ones). It’s one of the major challenges.

My humble request to anyone who reads the post “Farm Visit”  is for them and their family to visit the farms that they procure from at least once in 6 months.  If you want to visit a farm that we work with, please let us know, as Vaer Organic is more than happy to coordinate with the farmer for you and connect you to them. You can make use of our organic grocery store online to support the farmers since all of our products are procured from the best places.

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